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What means Kairos?

We, as a theater, are in an intense time. During the pandemic, our project 'Kairos' began a journey that must and will continue, because the discoveries have implications. 'Kairos' was divided into three phases: research, evaluation, and campaign planning.

The Project


After preparation and planning in project office meetings, we first met as the entire BrilLe team and discussed the question together: 'What power and significance do we ourselves attribute to theater stories? And if we were to categorize theater for children as political, entertaining, psychological, and artistic, where do we place ourselves as a theater?'

We worked in ensembles on the questions of what values we stand for as a theater and what mission we give ourselves. After this 'inner' research, we developed questions that were also directed outward in three ways:

  1. We collected and transcribed individual theater experiences and their impact on biography as voice messages.

  2. We asked people to reflect in a questionnaire on how they perceive childhood in change, what significance they attribute to theater for young audiences today, and what topics the theater should address. So far, 118 people have filled out this questionnaire. Participation is still possible.

  3. We approached other theaters and asked them the questions we asked ourselves.

In parallel, Tabea Gregory conducted research on Generation Alpha, the changes, mood within this generation, their values and characteristics.

Evaluation and Campaign Planning

After preparation and planning in project office meetings, we first met as the entire BrilLe team and discussed the question together: "What power and significance do we ourselves attribute to theater stories? And if we were to classify theater for children into the categories of political, entertaining, psychological, and artistic, where do we locate ourselves as a theater?"

In ensembles, we worked on questions about the values we stand for as a theater and the mission we give ourselves. After this "inner" research, we developed questions that were also directed outward in three ways:

  1. We collected and transcribed individual theater experiences and their impact on biography as voice messages.

  2. We asked people to reflect on how they perceive childhood in change, what significance they attribute to theater for young audiences today, and what topics the theater should deal with in a questionnaire. 118 people have filled out this questionnaire so far, and participation is still possible.

  3. We turned to other theaters and asked them the same questions we asked ourselves.

At the same time, Tabea Gregory worked on research on Generation Alpha, changes in the mood within this generation, their values, and characteristics.

The results of our research were presented to communication consultant and coach Heiko Redlich. The idea of a concerted campaign on the town squares of several cities was developed, in which living sculptures and street performances would draw attention to the hierarchy in cultural institutions and the lack of financial support for culture for and with children and young people. This campaign was also presented to Olaf Woyna of the agency Smile, and its impact on our own work and the appearance of the BrilLe theater was discussed. Based on this, we developed the concept for this year's team shooting.

We met with the "Meisterwerk Mensch" initiative to test our theater for accessibility. This cooperation continues.

During the theater team meeting, we analyzed the results received and, together with Benjamin Weu, developed a campaign video on the question of the situation and significance of theater for young audiences, which you can click on above.

Over the course of a year, research work, dissemination, and evaluation of the questionnaire and audio file requests, transcription of the audio files by Bella Sonntag, Tabea Gregory, and Nils Teske, as well as overhead work in the project office (Eddie Arndt and Lea Lennardt), interlocked with each other. The work continues.

Our Results

Auswertung und Kampagnenplanung

Dem Kommunikationsberater und Coach Heiko Redlich wurden die Ergebnisse unserer Recherchen vorgelegt. Es wurde die Idee einer konzertierten Kampagne auf den Rathausplätzen mehrerer Städte entwickelt, in der anhand von lebenden Skulpturen und Streeperformance auf die Hierarchie im Kulturbetrieb und die mangelnde monetäre Versorgung von Kultur für und mit Kindern und Jugendlichen hingewiesen werden soll und im Netzwerk der Partnertheater durchgeführt werden soll. Die Kampagne wurde ebenfalls Olaf Woyna der Agentur smile vorgelegt und die Auswirkung auf die eigene Arbeit sowie das Erscheinungsbild des BrilLe Theaters diskutiert. Basierend darauf entwickelten wir das Konzept für das diesjährige Team Shooting.

Wir trafen uns mit der Initiative "Meisterwerk Mensch", um unser Theater auf Barrierefreiheit zu prüfen. Diese Kooperation dauert an. 


Im Rahmen des Theaterteamtreffens analysierten wir die eingegangenen Ergebnisse und entwickelten zusammen mit Benjamin Weu ein Kampagnenvideo zu der Frage nach Situation und Bedeutung des Theaters für junges Publikum, welches ihr oben anklicken könnt. 


Über ein Jahr hinweg griffen Recherchearbeit, Verbreitung und Auswertung des Fragebogens und der Audiodateianfragen, Transkribieren der Audiodateien durch Bella Sonntag, Tabea Gregory und Nils Teske und ebenso die Overheadarbeiten im Projektbüro (Eddie Arndt und Lea Lennardt) ineinander. Es geht weiter. 

Gabi beim Brille Teammeeting

And how are we continuing?

At the time of the application, we thought that the campaign planning would be completed with the end of the project. However, this project has set a colon enriched with many pieces of information and insights.

We have developed the "Anker" project from "Kairos" because it became clear that if we want to work more sustainably and less as an entertainment industry, as many organizers see and want to use us, but rather as providers of thinking spaces, we need to develop accompanying materials such as video material, teaching materials, digital platforms, etc.

The next production will not only break down the fourth wall, as we have done in the past, but also open up a space for shared experiences to support children's self-efficacy and design competence.

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