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The Christmas Light

für Kinder von 3 - 6 Jahren

A theatrical experience for young visitors from the age of 3 years about the events of Christmas – approachable and fascinating

A small, poor baby should bring light into this world? What a strange idea!

Dea explores the mystery of Christmas with the children. It tells the Christmas story – fascinating and truthful.

The children sit around the actress on cozy cushions very close to her, listen to her story, and are drawn into what is happening. Together they sing marvel and become part of the story. The narrator turns into a dog, a shepherd boy, an angel, and a hostel mother. They were all there and tell of this wondrous event.

A special theater experience that leaves something of the Christmas glow in the audience.

Stage and Location

We bring light and sound with us, power connection 230V Schuko socket is sufficient

We need a circular area with a diameter of 3 meters in the  middle one  unseated  space.


Britta Lennardt wrote the text and directed it. The stage and costume design was conceived and implemented by Katja Struck. Music is composed by Tobias Bülow. Jürgen Larys or Kalla Füchtkamp will take care of sound and light. 

Check out the trailer for the play!
Already booked? Here's the link to the image pool and promotional materials.

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Stadt Ahlen

Mithilfe von Requisiten schlüpfte die Darstellerin in verschiedenen Rollen, um die bekannte Weihnachtsgeschichte aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven zu erzählen. So trat sie unter anderem als Engel, als Hirtenjunge oder als Herbergsmutter auf, die von ihren Erlebnissen am Weihnachtsabend berichteten. Besonders magisch wurde das Stück durch die wunderschönen Kostüme und zahlreichen Lichteffekte, die auch die Augen der Kleinsten zum Strahlen brachten. 

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